Newspaper Inclusion Criteria

Our goal is to give the busy student or researcher quick access to English language news outlets around the world. We believe in a free press, and we believe in the value of seeing the world from different vantage points. We hope this list helps in some little way. Contact us to report broken links, suggest new sources, or offer feedback.

In order for a newspaper link to appear on this list, we like to see that it has a good measure of the following qualities:

1. The link should directly open onto a web page containing current news headlines. The page may contain other things too, but you should not have to click anything else to see current news headlines.

2. Full news articles should be accessible without registering an account or buying a subscription. We see nothing wrong with a news website selling subscriptions or requiring registration, but that's a different list.

3. Each news article should be clearly dated.

4. We like to include news outlets that are updated daily, or at least multiple times each week, with allowances made for less eventful regions.

5. In order to keep this list a manageable size, we focus on geopolitical news. We usually don't list school news, job listings, or news about specific organizations and industries (e.g., sports, entertainment, oil and gas) unless it includes general news about the geopolitical area it serves.

6. We list some government news sources (e.g., executive offices and ministries of foreign relations), but we don't list individual embassies, consulates, and diplomatic missions, which change frequently.

7. We won't knowingly include a link to an HTTPS web page with an invalid security certificate.

8. We are not inclined to include a link that opens a webpage containing auto-play media with unmuted sound.

Thank you for using our newspaper list and for all the suggestions for news sources.

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